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A gesture of love that your beloved will never forget. In order to make this proposal special, break all of the codes! Give her a ruby engagement ring. This stone with its deep colour red is a sign of strong love that bonds you. With its charm, rubies evoke a passion of love, desire, and sensuality.
Valentine’s Day, this love where chocolate and roses are given between lovers to celebrate love, why not kill to birds with one stone? Make your promise of love on the day when we celebrate love.
Also called a diamond engagement ring, in reference to the fact that this stone has almost the strength of a diamond (9 on the Mohs Spectrum while the king of precious gems is at 10), select a ruby engagement ring and opt for a jewel that will last a long time. Concerning the colour of your ruby, it is important that you know that there three grades of colour: very red, medium red, and pink red. You will find the details on all of this and other information that will help you in selecting your ring on our page dedicated to buying rubies. Concerning the size and consequently the form of your gem, like all precious stones, it follows standard and very precise rules made to protect the nature of the stone and give a better aspect to your stone.
Where rubies are concerned, the most common is the cabochon, rather rounded and polished.
A really red ruby might be the best choice for your ring. With the cabochon, you have the advantage of brining out the asterisk shape in the stone. In other words, the cabochon will highlight the dazzling 6 arms that appear in rubies in the shape of a star. Moreover, you have oval forms, classic forms, mountain forms, or modern forms. Keep in mind what your future wife likes and take into account her tastes and desires.
For more help on selecting a ruby engagement ring, consult our page on ruby engagement rings.
Jaubalet Paris proposes a large selection of engagement rings that you may order directly on our virtual boutique. You have the possibility of personalizing them or customizing an original piece of jewellery.