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With its colour that is so close to country and to nature, the emerald earring is the symbol of hope, vitality, and fertility. A reflection of the nature that it represents, incidentally the most popular colour of this gem is “herb emerald green”. This shade is the most valuable in the jewellery market. Moreover, it will give a certain brilliance to your face. Other shades of green like bluish green, deep green, or yellowish green, and an entire spectrum of colour variations of green are available for this stone.
Emerald has a reputation of being a relatively fragile. A special size “the emerald size” was created to better protect and heighten its resistance. With Jaubalet Paris, you will find Emerald Earrings for Women in this size. However, our models in emerald are normally this small size like these earrings that you may order directly online and have the option of customizing. Jaubalet Paris is at your service for Customized Emerald Earrings for Women.
Emerald has been a sign of spiritual awareness, protection, love, and wisdom since antiquity. It was thought by the ancient Romans and Greeks to be a representation of the Goddess Venus. As a result, people saw this stone as a symbol of hope and love. Even the Incas and Egyptians considered emerald to be a source of perpetual life. They regarded it as a gift from Thoth, the god of wisdom. In the year 4000 BC, there are allusions of emeralds being traded in Babylon marketplaces. Queen Cleopatra's obsession with emeralds is well-known. The planet Mercury is represented as emerald in Vedic beliefs. Mercury, as a symbol of education and knowledge, aids in the eradication of ignorance and the illumination of in-depth learning in all areas of life. It encompasses spiritual awareness and enlightenment. Mercury governs intelligence and communication, so it directs your comprehension, recall, and persuasion in the proper path. As a result, wearing emerald stone opens your mind and spirit to the correct path that leads to heavenly benefits.
We talk a lot about upkeep of diamonds, silver, and even platinum while sometimes forgetting other precious gems. However, we should talk about how to take care of them to make their brilliance long lasting. For Emeralds and for your Emerald Earrings, clean them depending on their nature. We will tell you how to care for small earrings, set jewellery, or another model. The way in which a stone is set obviously will determine the way you will care for it. It is important to know that all precious gems do not have the same endurance. In terms of endurance, the diamond gets the first prize, followed by sapphires, and rubies. Only after that come Emeralds. It is a very fragile stone that gets between 7 and 8 on the Mobs spectrum. Therefore, avoid staining your piece with damaging products. Keep it away from corrosive products. Take it off and carefully put it away in its case while sleeping, swimming, or working out. Emeralds do not need to be cleaned with product frequently. To clean them use distilled water that is lightly salted. Let that sit for a few minutes, not too long. Then use a small brush with which you rub lightly the spots where the skin and the piece make contact, don’t forget the stone. Really get the spots where the stone is set, but very carefully. Rinse and rub with a micro fibre cloth.